Grant Information
We administer the following federally-funded grant programs:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)
- Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
- Emergency Solutions/Shelter Grant (ESG)
Community Development
The CDBG program provides funding for a variety of community development programs, primarily to improve housing, the living environment, and economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents. CDBG supports housing rehabilitation, code enforcement, improvements to community facilities, public improvement projects, economic development projects, community services, and other programs. CDBG activities may be undertaken by eligible government agencies, qualified non-profit organizations, or certain other eligible service providers. The Community Development Department administers approximately $4.5 million in CDBG funds annually.
Home Investment Partnerships program (home)
The HOME program is designed to help communities provide affordable housing for lower-income persons. The funds may be used for homeowner rehabilitation and first-time homebuyer programs. It may also be used for rental rehabilitation and rental assistance programs. New construction is permissible under certain circumstances. HOME activities may be undertaken by the City or by nonprofit/for-profit developers. A minimum of 15% of a community's annual grant must be set aside for a certain kind of nonprofit agency known as a "Community Housing Development Organization", or CHDO. The Community Development Department administers approximately $1 million in HOME funds annually.
justice assistance grant (JAG) program
The JAG program provides funds on a formula basis to units of local government to reduce crime and improve public safety. The City of Grand Rapids uses a portion of these funds for the purpose of establishing cooperative crime prevention programs between community residents and the City of Grand Rapids' Police Department. The Community Development Department administers approximately $80,000 in JAG funds annually.
Emergency solutions grants (esg) program
The ESG program is intended to benefit homeless persons and families by supporting homeless shelters and services. Eligible uses of ESG funds include repair and rehabilitation of shelters, homeless prevention activities, and essential services (such a counseling, placement, etc.). ESG activities may be undertaken by nonprofit homeless shelter or service providers. The Community Development Department administers approximately $310,000 in ESG funds annually.
Income Limits
The CDBG, HOME, and ESG programs operate under federally established income guidelines. The guidelines are based on median family income for the area and are updated each year.
Neighborhood Investment Plan
The Neighborhood Investment Plan(PDF, 1MB) is the City's grant investment plan for housing and community development activities. The City provides funding to support a variety of programs and projects. These investments make a positive impact in the community.
Geographic Targeting
Some of the activities funded under the Neighborhood Investment Plan have geographic targeting requirements. Most of the activities funded by the Community Development Block Grant Program are geographically targeted. The Target Area Map identifies the General Target Area (GTA) and Specific Target Areas (STAs) within the City of Grand Rapids. The GTA is the largest geographic area and has access to a range of services, including housing programs, legal assistance, downpayment assistance, and crime prevention. Within the GTA are more concentrated areas of focus, known as STAs. The STAs have access to major housing rehabilitation, street improvements, concentrated code enforcement, and support for neighborhood associations. Generally, community development programs and activities are limited to the GTA. However, activities related to fair housing, affordable housing development, and access modifications for persons with disabilities are available citywide. The Target Area Street Directory is designed to identify the location of specific addresses relative to the GTA and STAs.
The Community Development Department administers other grant programs in addition to the CDBG program. Following is information about geographic targeting requirements for these programs.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
The HOME program supports the targeted approach of the CDBG program in several of its programs and projects. HOME funds may support projects anywhere in the City as long as the activities serve low- and moderate-income persons.
Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)
This program does not have a geographic targeting component other than the city limits; however, the targeted approach is generally supported for crime prevention activities.
Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG)
This program does not have a geographic targeting component other than the city limits.
Click below for the Target Area Map and Street Directory.
Target Area Map(PDF, 723KB)
Target Area Street Directory(PDF, 933KB)