Looking to see a map of crimes committed in Grand Rapids? We'll help you access and navigate our city's crime map.
Our crime mapping program provides public access to crime information for the City of Grand Rapids. This data is:
Keep in mind that future investigations may change a crime classification and other details.
You can search for addresses or street intersections using the search bar. You'll find the search bar at the upper left of your screen.
This will be set to the Grand Rapids Police Department by default. There are other locations available for viewing if you're interested. Just look through the list to see what cities are available.
The map will show cities with available data in any State you choose. Click the Zoom In! link that appears. Now you'll see data from the City you chose.
You can click any symbol to see more about a specific crime. We have a guide that shows you the symbols we use for each crime type. You'll also see more detailed instructions for using the map in this guide.
Download the Crime Mapping Manual(PDF, 5MB)
Disclaimer: We make no guarantee about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information. The Grand Rapids Police Department is not responsible for any error or omission, the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps are approximate. Attempts to derive specific addresses is prohibited. Any use of the information for commercial purposes is prohibited.
We have partnered with CrimeMapping.com to provide this service. You can open the application below.
View the Crime Map
You can view the map online. If you have any questions, you can find our phone number and address in the Contact Us section of this page. We're happy to help you find the crime data you're looking for.
Crime Mapping Manual(PDF, 5MB)