Below are some frequently asked questions among agencies considering a funding application. If you have question(s) not covered below, please email
Application Process
Is the Notice of Intent to Apply (NOI) required to be invited for a Request for Proposals (RFP)?
Yes. Both steps of the application are required to be considered for funding.
What assistance is available to submit an application?
Community Development Department (CDD) staff are available to discuss potential projects, eligibility for grant funding, federal grant requirements, and applicable considerations for your organization at any time in advance of the funding process. Once the annual funding process starts, CDD staff are only available to assist with technical questions regarding the application.
When should I start an application?
Organizations are highly encouraged to review the application and begin working on it as soon as it is made available. The application requires information on a variety of topics (organizational finances, programmatic details, budgeting, governance, equity, etc.). Depending on the size of your organization and your role within it, there may be follow up needed to answer all the questions and provide all required attachments.
Can I propose multiple projects?
Yes. Each organization intending to apply for funding must first submit one (1) Notice of Intent to Apply (NOI). The NOI application allows you to propose multiple projects. A separate Request for Proposal (RFP) must be submitted for each invited project.
Keep in mind, similar or related proposals may need to be consolidated and proposals that include multiple eligible activities may need to be separated. We highly encourage agencies to reach out to the CDD to discuss potential new projects in advance of the funding process.
How much should we request?
The request amount should be consistent with the cost of providing the services/activities as outlined in the application. You will want to consider the following:
- What is our current balance of unrestricted funding? Since funded projects operate on a reimbursement basis, you need a minimum of six (6) weeks (or about 12%) of your requested amount available to expend on grant activities. Documentation of available unrestricted funding may be requested throughout the grant cycle.
- How much do we need for the project to besuccessful?
- How much other funding has been secured for this work?
- How much staff time will be spent on this grant and what is the cost? Only time spent on the grant and documented through timesheets may be eligible for reimbursement.
- Will we need to hire or contract for this work? How long will that take?
Funding Requirements
What kinds of activities are eligible?
Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:
- Affordable housing development and homeowner assistance
- Home repair and access modifications
- Homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing
- Public safety and violence reduction
- Community organizing and education/training
- Fair housing, legal services, and housing counseling
- Job training and skills development
- Medical and mental healthcare, childcare, and transportation services
- Infrastructure improvements (coordinated with a City Department)
What costs are eligible?
Reasonable, necessary, and allowable costs associated with grant-funded activities are eligible for reimbursement. Generally unallowable costs include, but are not limited to:
- Food and beverages
- Stipends and cash payments to participants
- Goods or services for personal use
- Lobbying or political activities
- Costs associated with fundraising efforts
What kinds of documentation will we be required to keep?
All grant related documents must be retained for the period outlined in the agreement (often a minimum of a few years after closeout). This documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Evidence grant funds were tracked separately from other funds
- Receipts for goods and services purchased with grant funds
- Timesheets and payroll documentation to support staff time reimbursed by the grant
- Evidence of reported performance outcomes
If we are awarded funding, will we need to collect income documentation from participants?
In many cases, yes. Some projects benefit all residents of a specific low- to moderate-income neighborhood (e.g., neighborhood organizing or infrastructure improvements) and do not need to collect income documentation for specific households. Other projects may serve a population that is presumed to be low-income (e.g., all participants are documented as experiencing homelessness). Most programs need to collect and retain documentation of household income for each participant served. For more information on how this may apply to your project, email us at
General Questions
What sources of funding are available through the Community Development Department?
Most funds distributed by the Community Development Department (CDD) consist of federal grant programs from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Examples of HUD funding include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) programs. The CDD also regularly receives a small amount of funding from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Most grant funds available for community organizations are distributed through the Neighborhood Investment (NI) Plan funding application process described on this page.
I do not represent an organization seeking funding for a particular project, but I have ideas about activities needed in the community that should be prioritized. How do I get involved?
The first step is to sign up for our mailing list at the top of this page. We will send you emails notifying you of public comment opportunities on our plans and reports. Each Fall, a public hearing is held on community needs to be considered in future planning.
What factors should my organization consider when deciding whether to apply?
Most funding sources available through the Community Development Department come from the federal government. The majority of grants are from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and some are from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). These grant programs have many requirements, some of which are outlined on this page. Organizations that have never received federal grant funds are highly encouraged to reach out to us at to discuss what requirements may apply to the specific project or program. Some requirements may necessitate changes to the ways your organization or programs operate (e.g., accounting systems, processes, participant income documentation, etc.).
You will want to carefully consider whether your organization is prepared to comply with all applicable requirements. On-site monitoring visits are conducted at least once per year for each agency receiving funding to evaluate compliance with requirements. Issues of non-compliance identified in the on-site visit or through ongoing review of documentation, may result in partial or complete repayment of grant funds.
Where can I find information on previously funded projects?
Projects previously awarded funds through the Neighborhood Investment (NI) Plan are outlined in the Annual Action Plans (AAPs) under the Plans and Reports tab on our department's page ( Accomplishments and outcomes for funded projects are outlined in the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (CAPERs) found on the same tab.
What is the period of performance for these grant funds?
Grant funds are awarded for a one (1) year period from July 1 to June 30. Housing construction projects have a longer period of performance.
If we receive funding, do we need to reapply each year?
Yes, renewed funding is not guaranteed.
What are the next steps if we receive funding?
Once you receive notification of the award, the next step is to complete the Pre-Agreement Certification process. Community Development Department (CDD) staff will provide information on this process. You will provide a variety of documents evidencing the organization meets basic requirements (e.g, has proper liability insurance, policies and procedures, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, proof of 501(c)3 status, registration) and certifications on a number of subjects. Once completed and approved, the agreement is routed and activities commence July 1. If all components of the Pre-Agreement Certification are not addressed as outlined in the award letter, the award may be withdrawn.
What reports are due to the City?
Reimbursement requests and performance reports are due each month. On-site monitoring visits are conducted annually.