Looking for a job? Wondering about employee benefits? We have everything you need to know from job seeker to retiree. We're here to help you with outstanding customer service along the way.
Are you interested in a City job? Are you wondering what our Civil Service process it all about? Visit our Employment - City Jobs page below for everything you'll need to know about getting a City job.
Human Resources - City Jobs
Are you wondering what type of Employee Benefits we offer? Are you a retiree looking for retirement information? Visit our Benefits page to learn more.
Employee Benefits
Are you interested in our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives? Are you a local business looking to do business with the City? Visit our Diversity and Inclusion page to learn more.
Diversity & Inclusion
Did you know that most City employees are represented by Unions? Are you interested in the City's collective bargaining agreements? Visit our Labor Relations page to learn more.
Labor Relations
Need to report potholes or damaged City property? Need to file a claim? Risk Management can help you with these services.
Risk Management
Looking for a City job? See current job openings below.
Job openings