You can now apply for your Business License online! Click the below link to create an account.
Create an Account
Call the City Clerk’s Office at 616-456-3016.
Businesses and individuals selling products from a vending cart downtown need this license.
Businesses selling off inventory before closing or relocating need this license.
Find out which business license you need if you want to run a business out of your home.
Businesses providing sleeping or lodging rooms need this license.
Does your facility host 50 or more patrons at a time? Visit this page to apply for the Indoor Event License.
Businesses that serve or manufacture alcoholic beverages need this license. Businesses with existing licenses looking to extend their permit beyond their property for events also need a license.
Businesses operating a food truck, trailer, concessionaire, or other mobile food vendors need this license.
Businesses and individuals selling products from a vending cart outside of the downtown area need this license.
Events that exceed the normal limits of noise in Grand Rapids need this license.
Businesses that maintain parking structures or lots in Grand Rapids need this license.
Businesses that lend money at interest on the security of a pawned article need this license.
Businesses that provide transportation to the public using vehicles moved by human power need this license.
Anyone buying, selling, exchanging, storing, or receiving secondhand products needs this license.
Do you want to operate a snowplow business in Grand Rapids? You're in the right place to apply for a snowplow business license.
Businesses that offer solid waste pickup services need this license.
Businesses or individuals using a vehicle with a sound amplifying device to broadcast sound need this license.
Businesses or people who move from place to place selling products or soliciting business need this license.
Find out which business license you need for valet parking functions.