Are you looking to do work in the City's right-of-way ? Only contractors with a valid Grand Rapids Sidewalk Builder's license are authorized to work in the City right-of-way. If you are a Grand Rapids licensed sidewalk contractor you will need to obtain a sidewalk/drive approach permit to build, rebuild, remove, or repair any sidewalk, driveway approach, areaway, snow melt, retaining wall, curb, curb and gutter, or any other work that will be done in the City Right-of-Way. If you are not a contractor but need a licensed Sidewalk contractor to do work in the right-of-way you can find our 'Licensed Sidewalk Contractor' list in the Related Links section of this page.
Sidewalk/Drive Approach permits are valid for 60 days from date of issuance. Extensions may be granted under certain circumstances with prior approval.
If you are a contractor but not yet licensed with the City of Grand Rapids go to our "Apply for a New Sidewalk Builder's License" page.