SAFE Task Force


SAFE (Safe Alliances For Everyone) task force is an anti-violence initiative. We work to lower violence in our communities. We partner with community organizations and businesses to help support this goal. Together, we work to solve issues 15 to 24-year-old residents are facing. We focus on gun violence, lack of pro-social opportunities, and mental health issues. Commissioner Milinda Ysasi leads the task force; both City staff and community partners serve in this program.

The SAFE Task Force Establishes Four Goals

  1. Share information on what exists about neighborhood violence
  2. Support programs based on research to fill existing gaps
  3. Advocate for community empowerment and voice
  4. Promote city policy through recommendation

PEACE Pillars

We investigated into the root causes for violence in our communities. We were able to identify 5 important tasks to establish peace in our city.

  • Prevention investment
  • Eliminate violent acts
  • Activate economic opportunities
  • Community Engagement
  • Effect Positive Change in Public Institutions (Local, County, & State)

Full Report

To learn more about our PEACE Pillars and our goals for implementing them in our neighborhoods, please read pages 31-37 in our SAFE Report and Recommendations.

Request for Proposals (RFP) is a process where Task Force seeks proposals to address topics drawn from the 2015 SAFE Report. P.E.A.C.E pillar related RFPs would be issued at least 2 times a year. RFPs will be developed following education and Task Force conversation around the chosen topics. A statement of work/need will be linked back to the SAFE priorities/recommendations. A call for RFPs will be broadly broadcast to seek proposals that might affect those areas of need. A process for evaluating those proposals and making funding recommendations will be developed.

Past Projects from RFPs

Grand Rapids Nehemiah Project - Project Focus: Workforce Development
2019 - Organization Winner

Our Community's Children - Project Focus: Workforce Development
2019 - Organization Winner

Realism Is Loyalty - Project Focus: Mentorship
2019 - Organization Winner
Download Final Report(PDF, 300KB)

"While the vision for SAFE was conceived by municipality leadership, the work of SAFE is the direct result of the collective wisdom, personal investment, and shared passion among resident leaders eager to do the heavy lifting required to spark social change.”
Commissioner Senita Lenear

Task Force Members

Chris Becker

Marion Berrera

Shannon Harris

Larry Johnson

Kirby Killingham

Commissioner Senita Lenear

Carol Rienstra

Deputy Chief Rifenberg

Commissioner Milinda Ysasi