Register to Vote

Need to register to vote in Grand Rapids? We'll help you through the registration process.

paper form

Step 1.Review the registration requirements

To be eligible to register to vote in Grand Rapids, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Must be a US citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years old by election day
  • Must be a resident of Michigan and the City of Grand Rapids at least 30 days before election day
  • Not serving a sentence in jail or prison

By Mail Effective Date

Registrations will be in effect for the next election if postmarked or delivered no later than 15 days before Election Day and all qualifications to register to vote have been met. 

In Person Effective Date

Eligible citizens can now register in person at their city or township clerk's office with proof of residency starting 14 days before an election and up through 8:00 pm on Election Day.

Step 2.Find out if you're already registered to vote

Your first step should always be to check your status. You may find that it's correct. If that's the case, then you're all set! You can Check Your Status Online on the State of Michigan's website.

If you're registered to vote, but you're details are incorrect, you'll want to Update Your Voter Registration.

Step 3.Make sure you have all the required information

Before you update your status, have the following information ready:

  • Current address
  • Driver's license or State ID


If you're registering to vote in Michigan for the first time and submit your registration form by mail, you must meet the federal identification requirement, as explained below:

1. accurately enter your state-issued driver license number or personal ID card number where requested on the form, or

2. send one of the following forms of ID when mailing the form: a COPY of a current and valid photo ID (such as a driver license or personal ID card) or a COPY of a paycheck stub, utility bill, bank statement, or government document which lists your name and address.

If you are subject to this requirement and don't provide the information above, an acceptable form of ID must be provided before you vote in the first election you wish to participate in.

NOTE: The ID requirement does not apply if you personally hand-deliver the form to your county, city or township clerk's office, if you are disabled or you are eligible to vote under the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

You may also visit a Michigan Secretary of State branch office to register.

Step 4.Download the voter registration application

Print and fill out the PDF application to register to vote.

Download the Application in English

Step 5.Submit your completed application

If you live in the Grand Rapids city limits, mail, email, fax, or drop off your completed application to us. Our information is in the Contact Us section of this page.

If you live outside of Grand Rapids, return your application to the clerk of your jurisdiction.

online form

Step 1.Review the registration requirements

To be eligible to register to vote in Grand Rapids, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Must be a US citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years old by election day
  • Must be a resident of Michigan and the City of Grand Rapids at least 30 days before election day
  • Not serving a sentence in jail or prison


Registrations will be in effect for the next election if postmarked or delivered no later than 15 days before Election Day and all qualifications to register to vote have been met. 


Eligible citizens can now register in person at their city or township clerk's office with proof of residency starting 14 days before an election and up through 8:00 pm on Election Day.

Step 2.Find out if you're already registered to vote

Your first step should always be to check your status. You may find that it's correct. If that's the case, then you're all set! You can Check Your Status Online on the State of Michigan's website.

If you're registered to vote, but your details are incorrect, you'll want to Update Your Voter Registration.

Step 3.Find out how to register

You may Register Online at State of Michigan's Website.


If you're registering to vote in Michigan for the first time and submit your registration form by mail, you must meet the federal identification requirement, as explained below:

1. accurately enter your state-issued driver license number or personal ID card number where requested on the form, or

2. send one of the following forms of ID when mailing the form: a COPY of a current and valid photo ID (such as a driver license or personal ID card) or a COPY of a paycheck stub, utility bill, bank statement, or government document which lists your name and address.

If you are subject to this requirement and don't provide the information above, an acceptable form of ID must be provided before you vote in the first election you wish to participate in.

NOTE: The ID requirement does not apply if you personally hand-deliver the form to your county, city or township clerk's office, if you are disabled or you are eligible to vote under the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

You may also visit a Michigan Secretary of State branch office to register.

Step 4.Download the voter registration application

Print and fill out the PDF application to register to vote.

Download the Application in English

Step 5.Submit your completed application

If you live in the Grand Rapids city limits, mail, email, fax, or drop off your completed application to us. Our information is in the Contact Us section of this page.

If you live outside of Grand Rapids, return your application to the clerk of your jurisdiction.





Step 1.Make sure we're open

Our office hours are 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday through Friday. We are out of the office on public holidays.

Step 2.Call us for instructions

You can find our number in the Contact Us section of this page. We can't register you over the phone. But we'll get you all the information you need to register to vote.

in person

Step 1.Review the registration requirements

To be eligible to register to vote in Grand Rapids, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Must be a US citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years old by election day
  • Must be a resident of Michigan and the City of Grand Rapids at least 30 days before election day
  • Not serving a sentence in jail or prison


Registrations will be in effect for the next election if postmarked or delivered no later than 15 days before Election Day and all qualifications to register to vote have been met. 


Eligible citizens can now register in person at their city or township clerk's office with proof of residency starting 14 days before an election and up through 8:00 pm on Election Day.

Step 2.Find out if you're already registered to vote

Your first step should always be to check your status. You may find that it's correct. If that's the case, then you're all set! You can Check Your Status Online on the State of Michigan's website.

If you're registered to vote, but your details are incorrect, you'll want to Update Your Voter Registration.

Step 3.Make sure you have all the required information

Before you update your status, have the following information ready:

  • Current address
  • Driver's license or State ID


If you live in the Grand Rapids city limits, you can register to vote at our office. You will need to meet the federal identification requirement by providing a current photo ID or proof of residency. Our address is in the Contact Us section of this page.

If it's easier for you, or if you live outside of Grand Rapids, visit a Michigan Secretary of State branch office to register.

Step 4.Visit our office

If you live in the Grand Rapids city limits, come to our office to register in person visit a Michigan Secretary of State branch office. Our address is in the Contact Us section of this page. We'll get you an application and answer any questions you have.

 You may register at the City Clerk's Office 8-5 Monday - Friday or at Election Central Noon-5 Monday - Friday (office opens 40 days before an election).  

Additional Office Hours for Registration:

Saturday before the election 7 am to 3 pm

Election Day 7 am to 8 pm