Apply for a Change of a Nonconforming Use

Do you have a Nonconforming Use property and would like to change  the property to another nonconforming use? You're in the right place.

Online Form

We don't accept online applications for this service

You can complete the paper application. Click the Paper Form tab of this page for instructions and to download the form. Call or visit our office if you need help applying. You can find our number and address in the Contact Us section of this page. We're happy to help you fill out an application!


Paper Form

Step 1.Prepare your documents

Here are the documents you'll need to prepare before submitting your application:

Dimensioned Site Plan from a Property Survey (1 copy & digital PDF copy)

  • Existing buildings or additions on the property
  • Number and location of all on-site parking spaces
  • Existing and proposed distances to adjacent property lines
  • Any other information relevant to the application

Dimensioned Drawings and Plans (1 copy & 1 digital PDF copy)

  • All existing buildings and additions

Step 2.Consult with us

We recommend that you meet with us as an informal review of your proposed project. The meeting is intended to determine what kind of zone change is needed, if other approvals are required, and to explain the process to to get a decision on the proposal.

Step 3.Meet with the neighbors

Meet with neighboring property owners, neighborhood association, or business association. Use this meeting to resolve any conflicts before your Planning Commission review. We may table your request if you don't hold a neighborhood meeting.

When you submit your application, include the meeting's sign-in sheet. Make sure it has the date, time, and location of the meeting.

Step 4.Prepare your payment

The application fee may change year to year - please bring a blank check to our office for payment. Make your check payable to the City of Grand Rapids.

Step 5.Download and complete the form

Download and complete the below form. Make sure to include all other required documents with your application. Make sure to submit your application at least one month before the Planning Commission meeting. For a list of the Planning Commission meeting dates, click here.

Nonconforming Use Application(PDF, 560KB)

Step 6.We'll review your application

We'll review and submit your application to the Planning Commission. We may contact you with questions or ask for more information.

Step 7.Notice of Public Hearing

After staff review, your application is forwarded to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. You'll get a notice of the public hearing 15 days before the Planning Commission meeting.

Step 8.Present Your Request of Zone Change to Planning Commission

Here's what to expect at the public hearing:

  • You'll present your request for Optional Plan Review to the Planning Commission
  • The Planning Commission will ask you questions about your request
  • The Planning Commission will allow public comment on your application. This'll give you a chance to address any public concern or questions
  • The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial, or table the application
  • The Planning Commission will submit their recommendation to City Commission for review

Step 9.We'll notify you of City Commission's decision

We'll send you a letter and resolution to let you know City Commission's decision.


Call us for instructions to apply

You can find our number in the Contact Us section of this page. We’ll get you all the information you need to complete your application. We don’t offer applications over the phone, but we’ll make sure you have everything you need to get your application submitted.


In Person

Step 1.Prepare your documents

Here are the documents you'll need to prepare before submitting your application:

Dimensioned Site Plan from a Property Survey (1 copy & digital PDF copy)

  • Existing buildings or additions on the property
  • Number and location of all on-site parking spaces
  • Existing and proposed distances to adjacent property lines
  • Any other information relevant to the application

Dimensioned Drawings and Plans (1 copy & 1 digital PDF copy)

  • All existing buildings and additions

Step 2.Consult with us

We recommend that you meet with us as an informal review of your proposed project. The meeting is intended to determine what kind of zone change is needed, if other approvals are required, and to explain the process to to get a decision on the proposal.

Step 3.Meet with the neighbors

Meet with neighboring property owners, neighborhood association, or business association. Use this meeting to resolve any conflicts before your Planning Commission review. We may table your request if you don't hold a neighborhood meeting.

When you submit your application, include the meeting's sign-in sheet. Make sure it has the date, time, and location of the meeting.

Step 4.Prepare your payment

The application fee may change year to year - please bring a blank check to our office for payment. Make your check payable to the City of Grand Rapids.

Step 5.Download and complete the form

Download and complete the below form. Make sure to include all other required documents with your application. Make sure to submit your application at least one month before the Planning Commission meeting. For a list of the Planning Commission meeting dates, click here.

Nonconforming Use Application(PDF, 560KB)

Step 6.We'll review your application

We'll review and submit your application to the Planning Commission. We may contact you with questions or ask for more information.

Step 7.Notice of Public Hearing

After staff review, your application is forwarded to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. You'll get a notice of the public hearing 15 days before the Planning Commission meeting.

Step 8.Present Your Request of Zone Change to Planning Commission

Here's what to expect at the public hearing:

  • You'll present your request for Optional Plan Review to the Planning Commission
  • The Planning Commission will ask you questions about your request
  • The Planning Commission will allow public comment on your application. This'll give you a chance to address any public concern or questions
  • The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial, or table the application
  • The Planning Commission will submit their recommendation to City Commission for review

Step 9.We'll notify you of City Commission's decision

We'll send you a letter and resolution to let you know City Commission's decision.