Our Economic Development Department website at growgr.org is currently experiencing a temporary outage. We are actively working on a solution to get the site back up and running as soon as possible.
Email Economic Development
We use a complex, but transparent, method to determine the rates for the Grand Rapids Water System. Changes to the rates are effective the 1st of each year, after a study, review and approval process. Users, customer communities and the City Commission are all involved in this process.
Download the 2023 Final Rate Study(PDF, 4MB)
The main reason for the study is to set rates to meet revenue needs. We calculate our revenue needs using historical costs. We then adjust these to account for known increases and decreases in costs. We have created a video that explains in more detail how we determine water and sewer rates.
Este video esta disponible en español
311 or 616-456-3000
City Hall 300 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids 49503
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