Downtown Improvement District (DID)

Organization in Charge of This Board

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.

About the Board

Here's a quick look at the Downtown Improvement District:

  • Allocates funds to help maintain Downtown Grand Rapids attractiveness and appeal


Apply for Boards and Commissions

  • The Board shall be composed of not less than ten (10) nor more than sixteen (16) members as determined and appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of the City Commission.

Residency Requirement

There is no residency requirement to be a member of this board.

Term Limits

Each member's term is three years. There is no term limit, so you can serve an unlimited number of terms. 


There is no compensation for being on this board.


Peter Albertini

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 3 Resident
Term Ends:12/31/2024

Stacie Behler

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 3 Resident
Term Ends:12/31/2026

Kate Berens

Mayoral Appointment 
Term Ends:12/31/2024 

Michael Bishop

Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends: 12/31/2025 

Michael Ellis

Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends: 12/31/2025 

Jessica Gutowski-Slaydon

Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends:12/31/2024

Douglas Kessler

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 1 Resident
Term Ends: 12/31/2026

Andrew Martin

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 1 Resident
Term Ends: 12/31/2026 

George Skentzos

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term Ends:12/31/2026 

Elliot Talen

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 1 Resident
Term Ends:12/31/2025

Ashley Ward

Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends: 12/31/2025

Richard Winn

Mayoral Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term Ends:12/31/2024


Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends:12/31/2024


Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends:12/31/2026


Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends:12/31/2026


Mayoral Appointment
Term Ends:12/31/2026