Office of the City Commission The City Commission is a legislative body. Its elected members are our community’s policymakers.
Office of the City Manager The City Manager is responsible for executing City Commission policies and enacting administrative policies.
Office of the City Comptroller We serve as the City's accounting office and work to create an efficient government.
Office of the City Clerk The City Clerk oversees elections/voter registration, boards and commissions, business licensing, the City Archives and Records Center. This office also processes passport applications and provides notary services.
61st District Court The 61st District Court handles the following cases: civil cases (under $25,000), small claims (under $6,500), landlord/tenant, land contract forfeitures, misdemeanor criminal, felony criminal arraignments and preliminary exams.
Administrative Services Administrative Services administers services for Risk Management, Labor Relations, Diversity & Inclusion, Employee Benefits, and Recruitment services for City employees and interested candidates.
Assessor's Office The Assessor's office prepares the assessment roll for all non-exempt properties in the City.
Budget Office We support the City Manager and Departments in developing the City's annual Fiscal Plan and providing financial guidance and support across the organization. The Fiscal Plan guides the City to fund services to the City's citizens.
Cemeteries There are six city-owned cemeteries throughout Grand Rapids. Learn about hours, locations, services and more.
Code Compliance The Code Compliance department protects the health and safety of our citizens. They enforce housing standards and other city codes.
Communications Department The Communications Department directs the organization's interaction with our community, businesses, and visitors.
Community Development We build great neighborhoods in partnership with community organizations by supporting housing and community development activities.
Development Center The Development Center issues permits and conducts inspections for new construction or building changes in the City of Grand Rapids.
Office of Equity and Engagement The Office of Equity and Engagement administers equal opportunity policies and programs.
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) is a partner of The City of Grand Rapids. It handles the development of Grand Rapid's urban core.
Economic Development The Economic Development department helps you grow your business by working alongside you to get what you need.
Employee Benefits Employee Benefits oversee both employees and retiree's medical, vision, dental, and retirement assets. Learn more here.
Energy, Lighting, and Communications The Energy, Lighting, and Communications division of the City of Grand Rapids manages the City's electrical and communications infrastructure.
Environmental Services The Environmental Services Department treats wastewater, manages stormwater, and works to improve the environment in Grand Rapids.
Facilities and Fleet Management The Facilities and Fleet Management Department maintains City facilities and motor equipment.
Fire Department The Grand Rapids Fire Department values people by saving lives, protecting property, and responding to the needs of our community.
Fiscal Services Are you interested in learning about the City's financial plans? Want to view our Healthcare Trend report? You are in the right place.
Forestry The Forestry division of the Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the overall management of Grand Rapids’ urban forest.
Housing Commission The Grand Rapids Housing Commission provides housing assistance to lower-income families, the disabled, and senior citizens.
Income Tax Department This department is responsible for overseeing the Income Tax ordinance and compliance.
Labor Relations Labor Relations administers responsible and cost effective bargaining agreements to our employees.
Mobile GR Mobile GR operates city-owned parking systems and works to provide safe, reliable, affordable, and diverse transportation options to support the City's economic and quality of life goals.
Our Community's Children Our Community's Children is a partnership between the City and the Grand Rapids Public Schools. Together, we better prepare youth for college, work, and life.
Parks and Recreation The Parks and Recreation Department helps Grand Rapids residents and visitors get active and explore their community.
Office of Special Events The Office of Special Events issues permits to promote unique, fun and creative events for all to enjoy.
Planning The Planning department guides public and private development projects. Planning administers related City ordinances.
Police Department The mission of the Grand Rapids Police Department is to protect life and property, prevent crime, and ensure all people feel safe and are safe at all times throughout the community.
Purchasing Are you a business interested in doing business with the City? Are you looking to register as a vendor with the City? You are in the right place.
Risk Management The City of Grand Rapids Risk Management Office serves to protect the City's financial and human assets in efficient and cost-effective manners. This includes providing employee safety training, ergonomic evaluations, workers' compensation benefits for City Employees, liability claims management, and administration of the City property and liability insurance coverages.
Office of Sustainability The Office of Sustainability oversees the management of sustainability practices at the City and also houses our work related to climate and energy.
Technology and Change Management The Technology and Change Management Department monitors and maintains all the City's technological outlets.
Water System The Water System delivers clean, safe, and drinkable water to residents and businesses in the City of Grand Rapids and certain surrounding areas.