August 27 - Public Safety Committee Presentations given during a meeting of the Public Safety Committee on August 27, 2024. GRPD Monthly Crime Stats(PDF, 453KB)Cure Violence FY24 Annual Report(PDF, 5MB)Public Health and Safety Ordinance Update(PDF, 3MB)
August 27 - Committee of the Whole Presentations given during a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on August 27, 2024. Topics include the approval of the ArtPrize event as a special event, a proposed City Land Bank Authority, and an update from the Office of Sustainability. ArtPrize Event Approval(PDF, 7MB)City Land Bank Authority(PDF, 312KB)Sustainability Update(PDF, 7MB)
August 27 - City Commission Regular Meeting Presentations given during a regular meeting of the City Commission on August 27, 2024. Southtown Lofts 640 Eastern SE Public Hearing(PDF, 322KB)
September 10 - Committee of the Whole Presentations given during a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on August 27, 2024. Topics include a review of chapters 1-4 of the draft Community Master Plan and a presentation of the FY24 Housing and Community Development CAPER Report. Community Master Plan, Chapters 1-4(PDF, 2MB)FY24 Housing and Community Development CAPER Report(PDF, 3MB)
September 24 - City Commission Regular Meeting Presentations given during a regular meeting of the City Commission on September 24, 2024. Topics included a public hearing of the Performance and Needs of Housing & Community Development Programs, and hearings for brownfield developments at 648 Bridge, 345 Leonard, and 1516 Caesar E Chavez. FFY2023-Consolidated-Annual-Performance-and-Evaluation-Report-CAPER-Public-Hearing-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 593KB)648-Bridge-Talbot-Bridge-Brownfield-NEZ-Public-Hearing-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 305KB)385-Leonard-Brownfield-NEZ-Public-Hearing-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 300KB)1516-Cesar-E-Chavez-Brownfield-OPRA-Public-Hearing-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 312KB)
September 24 - Public Safety Committee Presentations given during a meeting of the Public Safety Committee on September 24, 2024. Topics included a micromobility update, monthly crime state from the GRPD, an update from the SAFE Task Force, and photos from the GRFD Kendall Street Station development. Micromobility-Update-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 3MB)SAFE-Task-Force-Update-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 1MB)GRFD-Kendal-Street-Fire-Station-Photos-09-24-2024.pdf(PDF, 751KB)
September 24 - Committee of the Whole Presentations given during a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on September 24, 2024. Topics included a presentation of the Materials Management Study and the FY24 Annual Performance Report. Materials-Management-Study-09-24-24.pdf(PDF, 1MB)FY24-Annual-Performance-Report.pdf(PDF, 8MB)
October 10 - Committee of the Whole Presentations given during a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on October 10, 2024. Topics include an update on the fall election from the City Clerk and another presentation of Chapter 5 and ASPs of the Community Master Plan from the Planning Department. Election Update Presentation(PDF, 332KB)Presentation of the Community Master Plan, Chapter 5 and ASPs(PDF, 3MB)
October 8 - Economic Development Project Team Documents related to presentations given during a regular meeting of the Economic Development Project Team on October 8, 2024. Third-Ward-African-American-Cultural-Tour-EDPT-10-8-2024.pdf(PDF, 1MB)Fulton-Market-Transformational-Brownfield-10-8-2024.pdf(PDF, 4MB)